Nowadays in this society the leader in the work are few, however these have a brilliant an proactive ideas with respect the categories of leader ship and manager behavior and their evaluation of the behavior approach for this reason they can do magnificent factories with excellent de result.
A major problem in research on the content of leadership behavior has been the identification of behavior categories that are relevant and meaning full for all leaders. In the research on manager activities, people saw that each study produced a some what different set of behavior categories, marking it difficult to compare and integrate the results across studies,. As consequence the past four decades have witnessed the appearance of a bewildering variety of behavior concepts pertaining to managers and leaders, sometimes different terms have been used to referent to the same type of behavior, at other times, the same term has been defined differently by various theorists.
Secondly Evaluation of the behavior , the long fixation on consideration and initiating structure appears to be ended, and most researchers now realize that it is necessary to examine broader range of behavior and more specific types of he behavior to understand leadership effectiveness, However, in comparison to the hundreds of studies on task oriented and people oriented behavior, the number of studies on specific behavior is still small, relatively few studies have attempted to identify the situations where specific types of leadership he behaviors are relevant, even most of the studies testing situational contingence theories, examined only task and relations behavior.
Finally in one company it is necessary people have leadership and a excellent leader in the work with a good equipment work , always take the better options and ideas, the leadership based on values can come from any level of the organitazation, what we can assure it that if people who are in higher positions do not demonstrates, it is employees will lose respect.
LEADERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS, Gary Yukl, fourt edition, state University of New York at Albany, 1998
A major problem in research on the content of leadership behavior has been the identification of behavior categories that are relevant and meaning full for all leaders. In the research on manager activities, people saw that each study produced a some what different set of behavior categories, marking it difficult to compare and integrate the results across studies,. As consequence the past four decades have witnessed the appearance of a bewildering variety of behavior concepts pertaining to managers and leaders, sometimes different terms have been used to referent to the same type of behavior, at other times, the same term has been defined differently by various theorists.
Secondly Evaluation of the behavior , the long fixation on consideration and initiating structure appears to be ended, and most researchers now realize that it is necessary to examine broader range of behavior and more specific types of he behavior to understand leadership effectiveness, However, in comparison to the hundreds of studies on task oriented and people oriented behavior, the number of studies on specific behavior is still small, relatively few studies have attempted to identify the situations where specific types of leadership he behaviors are relevant, even most of the studies testing situational contingence theories, examined only task and relations behavior.
Finally in one company it is necessary people have leadership and a excellent leader in the work with a good equipment work , always take the better options and ideas, the leadership based on values can come from any level of the organitazation, what we can assure it that if people who are in higher positions do not demonstrates, it is employees will lose respect.
LEADERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS, Gary Yukl, fourt edition, state University of New York at Albany, 1998