In organized crime in Colombia refers to the crime on a large scale, mainly related to drug trafficking, but also with smuggling, kidnapping, extortion and trafficking in human beings for prostitution, for this reason rates homicide in Colombia are among the highest in the world. With the homicide rate in Colombia three times higher than that of Brazil or Mexico.
According to the OAS narco-paramilitares control at the present time 51% of Colombian territory and dominate the new and scattered minicarteles that abound in Colombia, which is a development of the traditional signs of drug trafficking. The narco-paramilitares possess million hectares of the best land in Colombia and eagerly await the NAFTA to invest their money encaletado new lucrative business besides, the crime is no longer the result of an abnormal and dangerous subject, but a highly trained people and specialized, they see a great opportunity to gain wealth and willing to use any means, aided by an ally of immense power as corruption, which is based on the lure of wealth of anyone who falls rendered by the temptation of easy money . The great danger of organized crime is that the victim is society as a whole.
It is also important to recognize the great difficulty level judicial investigation to unmask the criminals who are inmiscuidos in legal activities, allowing them to act covertly in illegal activities openly. Undoubtedly, the challenge posed by organized crime to society deserves current efforts in all orders from social, cultural, legal, governmental and state levels. In Colombia, it is necessary to adapt the system of judicial inquiry to the current challenges, tending to the professionalization and specialization of the adversarial system. The forensic investigation requires a thorough modernization and a structure that allows for interdisciplinary work of technical scientific connotations; strengthening the formation of specialized investigative teams that generate both operational and scientific knowledge of organized criminal activity. It is a priority to strengthen assistance to victims, so that their collaboration, which is undoubtedly essential, facilitate obtaining valuable information on criminal groups.
In conclusion I think that the work of the society at the present time, is to create conditions for people to see and understand that we act in accordance with the law earns individual and social, not as far as where the offense produces good profits and so few restrictions, but the possibility of forming a criminal enterprise is very appealing.
by erica poveda