Rosalie Jagan is excellent and witty leader in Guyana, he was born in this country in 1938, in a poor city, he is recognized to his brilliant ideas, about development in this country such as, best access to education and healt services, in all country because, he always dreams his country will be. The best in American, in this two situation.

Fistly, Jagan, all time he has been working for the school, universities and public library with excellent resources and proactive teacher because, he want development main children besides, his government offer some subsides for education, transport and food for people that go to study, this idea is has been successful in all country furthermore, people in this moment are taking class according to age, education level and their like.
Secondly , Guyana president hope his country has beautiful and better health services in all country for this reason his government offers good percent that it budgets for the hospital can obtain new technology, easier and fast attention services to decrease the morbility and mortality to prevent illness, for example all children must have vaccines not cost.
Finally Rosalie jagan Is successful man and excellent leader in his country, he s workj for people in his country have better options and good quality life with respect that education and health services with excellent result.